Authorisation techniques

KeyPress Authorisation

Continuing on from my previous post I’ve developed another authorisation technique. The idea this time is to enable a user to pick a simple password and make it stronger. It works by either generating a random password or a user enters a desired one, then the system creates a timing per character so for example the user picks “cat” as a password, the system then tells the user to hold “C” for 2 seconds, “A” for 0 seconds and “T” for 1 second.

I’ve called this technique “Heyes KeyPress Authorisation” (I’m no marketing expert 🙂 ), the system currently only accepts alpha input but it could be developed to accept a full character set. Javascript is required to perform the login and I have tested it on multiple browsers Safari, IE 6, Firefox and it seems to work fine.

Demo here:-
KeyPress Auth

Source here:-

Token based authorisation

My previous post :-
Token based auth

4 Responses to “Authorisation techniques”

  1. jake writes:

    Good stuff Gaz, as for the name, how about Heyes KeyPA (keeper)?

  2. Gareth Heyes writes:

    Cheers Jake, yeah that’s miles better than HeyesKeyPressAuthorisation 🙂

  3. sujonmiah writes:

    That’s pretty cool. Top marks for innovation, I like the idea! My suggestion for the name is HKPA.

  4. skymuss writes:


    I think this system is not really useful,
    because If you are a old person who use
    PC only a few minutes per week you
    can’not really act as fast as you can
    press your pass keys.
