Firefox find function

I found this quite interesting, calling the find function in Firefox without parameters displays a dialog box. Calling it multiple times displays loads of find windows 🙂

for(i=0;i<100;i++) {

4 Responses to “Firefox find function”

  1. .mario writes:



    Nice to see you blogging again – how are you?


  2. Gareth Heyes writes:

    Hi mario

    Yeah not bad mate thanks, I’ve been a bit busy so I’ve been unable to blog for a while

  3. Alex writes:

    Hi !

    This does work with print() also. 😉

  4. Mike Surace writes:

    Good Evening,
    Is it possible to insert an ambiguous character in firefox search? For example, I want to find the letters “TTC” followed by any four letters, followed by “GAA” in a webpage result (if you’re curious, I’m searching gene promoters for a response element (specific sequence at which a transcription factor binds)).
    It save me some time and effort if I were able to quickly search in the web result using just the search function of the browser. Thanks.

    Mike Surace