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Mutation XSS was coined by me and Mario Heiderich to describe an XSS vector that is mutated from a safe state into an unsafe unfiltered state. The most common form of mXSS is from incorrect reads of innerHTML. A good example of mXSS was discovered by Mario where the listing element mutated its contents to […]

Java Serialization

In this post I will explore Java serialized applets and how they can be used for XSS. A serialized applet contains code that can be easily stored and loaded. Java supports an attribute called “object” which accepts a url to a serialized class file this allows us to load applets of our choosing provided they […]

Bypassing the XSS filter using function reassignment

The XSS filter introduced in IE8 is a really powerful defence against XSS. I tested the filter for a number of years and found various bypasses one of which I would like to share with you now. You can read more about the filter and its goal in the following blog post. Scope There have […]


Relative VS Absolute RPO (Relative Path Overwrite) is a technique to take advantage of relative URLs by overwriting their target file. To understand the technique we must first look into the differences between relative and absolute URLs. An absolute URL is basically the full URL for a destination address including the protocol and domain name […]

Sandboxed jQuery

My new personal challenge was to get jQuery working correctly in a sandboxed environment this proved to be really tricky. The first problem I encountered was my fake DOM environment wasn’t returning the correct value for nodeType on the document element, this made jQuery assume another state and breaking selectors. I ensured the DOM environment […]

X-Domain scroll detection on IE using focus

This is a pretty cool bug. I use the focus event on an iframe to detect if the iframe has been scrolled x-domain. It’s because IE fires the onfocus event of the iframe when the scroll occurs. This means using 1 network request we can discover if a site contains a particular id provided the […]

Epic fail IE

gaz: omg more epic fail in IE 😀 larry: huh? 😀 gaz: what is “A” in IE compat? larry: hm A? gaz: no larry: ? gaz: lol ? larry: NUL ? gaz: A –> ? A –> A larry: ah! out of bounds I get it gaz: what is this in IE compat: &#x41 larry: […]

new operator

I was playing around with new operators when I noticed something cool and unexpected. If you return a function the new operator will not create a new object instance but instead return a function. This means that stuff like: new new new new new new function f(){return f} Is perfectly valid code. That made me […]

Decoding complex non-alphanumeric JavaScript

@fkadev Challenged me to decode some complex non-alpha. See here Luckily the techniques I’ve used previously such as monitoring the Function constructor calls would work in a sandboxed environment. I will walk you through how I did it. Hackvertor runs on a older sandbox I created called JSReg which runs much slower than Mental […]

Hacking Firefox

I was playing with Firefox to see what crashes it and thought SVG might be a good place to look. I tried combinations of all elements nested together and came across problems with script. <script>str='';for(i=0;i<0xefff;i++){str+='<script>AAAAAA';};document.write('<svg>'+str+'</svg>');</script> This causes a complete crash in Firefox but is it only a DoS? It appears so. I booted up windbg…stack […]