Archives for the ‘javascript’ Category

Rewriting relative urls with the base tag in Safari

I tweeted this a while ago but Twitter sucks when it comes to finding anything and I thought it was good enough for a blog post. Way back in Safari 3.0 and Internet Explorer 5.5 and the old Opera you could mess with JavaScript urls and the base tag. Me, Mario and Brainpillow documented this […]

New IE mutation vector

I was messing around with a filter that didn’t correctly filter attribute names and allowed a blank one which enabled me to bypass it. I thought maybe IE had similar issues when rewriting innerHTML. Yes it does of course 🙂 The filter bypass worked like this: <img ="><script>alert(1)</script>"> The filter incorrectly assumed it was still […]

How I smashed MentalJS

I’m proud to introduce a guest blogger on The Spanner. Jann Horn is a IT Security student in fourth semester and works for Cure53. He has found security issues in a bunch of open source projects, including OpenSSH(CVE-2014-2532), Chromium(CVE-2014-1726,CVE-2015-1247), Android(CVE-2014-7911) and Angular. He’s also a member of the university CTF team FluxFingers. Jann has been […]

MentalJS DOM bypass

Ruben Ventura (@tr3w_) found a pretty cool bypass of MentalJS. He used insertBefore with a null second argument which allows you to insert a node into the dom and bypass my sandboxing restrictions. The vector is below:- _=document x =_.createElement(‘script’); s =_.createElement(‘style’) s.innerHTML = ‘*/alert(location)//’ t=_.createElement(‘b’) t.textContent = ‘/*’ x.insertBefore(t.firstChild, null); x.insertBefore(s, null) _.body.appendChild(x) x […]

MentalJS bypasses

I managed to find time to fix a couple of MentalJS bypasses by LeverOne and Soroush Dalili (@irsdl). LeverOne’s vector was outstanding since it bypassed the parsing itself which is no easy task. The vector was as follows: for(var i i/’/+alert(location);0)break//’) Basically my parser was inserting a semi colon in the wrong place causing a […]

Bypassing the XSS filter using function reassignment

The XSS filter introduced in IE8 is a really powerful defence against XSS. I tested the filter for a number of years and found various bypasses one of which I would like to share with you now. You can read more about the filter and its goal in the following blog post. Scope There have […]

Sandboxed jQuery

My new personal challenge was to get jQuery working correctly in a sandboxed environment this proved to be really tricky. The first problem I encountered was my fake DOM environment wasn’t returning the correct value for nodeType on the document element, this made jQuery assume another state and breaking selectors. I ensured the DOM environment […]

X-Domain scroll detection on IE using focus

This is a pretty cool bug. I use the focus event on an iframe to detect if the iframe has been scrolled x-domain. It’s because IE fires the onfocus event of the iframe when the scroll occurs. This means using 1 network request we can discover if a site contains a particular id provided the […]

new operator

I was playing around with new operators when I noticed something cool and unexpected. If you return a function the new operator will not create a new object instance but instead return a function. This means that stuff like: new new new new new new function f(){return f} Is perfectly valid code. That made me […]

Decoding complex non-alphanumeric JavaScript

@fkadev Challenged me to decode some complex non-alpha. See here Luckily the techniques I’ve used previously such as monitoring the Function constructor calls would work in a sandboxed environment. I will walk you through how I did it. Hackvertor runs on a older sandbox I created called JSReg which runs much slower than Mental […]