Data enumeration tutorial in Shazzer
Friday, 10 February 2012
Over the last few days I’ve finally fixed a data enumeration bug that was haunting a new feature in Shazzer. Originally Shazzer just mutated one character at a time to discover characters which influenced the fuzz vectors in interesting ways. I decided to expand that to include data. I called the feature “datasets” because you could assign a placeholder to a set of data. Using this placeholder it then becomes easy for you to generate a vector that checks each value in the dataset and not only that but how that data relates to another dataset.
So what does that actually mean when it comes to vector creation? Here is an example enumeration vector:
<*datahtmlelements* *datahtmlattributes*="javascript:parent.customLog('*datahtmlelements* *datahtmlattributes*')"></*datahtmlelements*>
*datahtmlelements* refers to a dataset and in this instance we are talking about html elements, so the placeholder will be replaced by “iframe”, “b”, “html” and so on, the same this will happen to *datahtmlattributes* but this time using each attribute. Shazzer checks your vector for how many instances of placeholders you have and then automatically creates a loop within all the data so it enumerates each dataset within a nested loop of up to 5 separate datasets. The amount of data is split between a maximum of 10,000 iterations so your data will all be enumerated no matter how big the total iterations are it will just take a long time for a lot of nested datasets 🙂
You can see in the vector that the placeholders are used more than once this enables you to log any interesting results, so here we use the customLog function in Shazzer to send the html element and attribute that executes. Other logging functions are available and are listed in the preparation code when you create a vector.
Steps to create an enumeration vector
1. Check datasets for which data you would like to enumerate. You can create your own dataset if the one you require doesn’t exist.
2. Click create and select “Data enumeration” from the vector type drop down.
3. Give it a nice descriptive name and some keywords to find the vector.
4. You don’t actually need to modify the preparation code unless you need to log something that doesn’t execute like CSS values for instance.
5. Construct your vector by clicking and data placeholders at the bottom and craft you code as if you’re in a loop of all the data structures you use.
6. Once your vector is complete you can now fuzz the vector by choosing it from the “Fuzz vectors” list. Once you’ve found your vector you can select a doctype then click “Fuzz all” to begin fuzzing.
In future you will be able to share these enumeration vectors between your twitter followers in order to distribute the workload between friends to help scan large datasets. Happy fuzzing!