Hackvertor video demo

I’ve finally created a Hackvertor video demo, I’ve encoded it in swf and compressed it quite a lot. The quality is good and at a high resolution but the colours are a bit out other than that it should be quite clear how it works. The demo is available here:-

Hackvertor video demo

3 Responses to “Hackvertor video demo”

  1. Nikolas writes:

    Hey, interesting video but it stops somewhere in the middle 🙁
    I’d like to see more.


  2. Gareth Heyes writes:

    Hi Nikolas

    I’m struggling with screen recorders that can record at a high resolution and output to a decent format. As soon as I’ve figured out how best to display it I’ll do another one.

  3. Gareth Heyes writes:

    Just watched the video myself and yes there’s a lot missing 🙁