Archives for the Month of May, 2010

Hackvertor Ajax applications

I hate to use the word Ajax because there’s no XML involved just nice JSON but Hackvertor now has Ajax applications! At the moment it’s very rough around the edges but it will improve when I get more spare time to work on them. What does it mean? Well you can now share actual HTML/JS […]

Regular expression sandboxing

Birth of the regex sandbox I decided today to do a proper blog post to explain my reasons for creating regex sandboxes. I don’t often write a lot of words on this blog partly because I’m not very good a making long meaningful sentences and partly because I think the point can often be made […]

Month of PHP security

Stefan Esser has launched another Month of PHP security. It includes popular applications which use PHP as well as general bugs. He also includes a general PHP security article that you really should read to help secure your code. I’d also keep an eye out for the hardening of PHP configuration which will be released […]