Archives for the ‘Security’ Category

Breaking feeds

This should break my feed and anyone else who syndicates my feed and doesn’t filter 🙂 0x05 That’s it LOL. Hope you enjoyed it but I doubt you read it. 😀 

HTML scriptless attacks

Following up on @lcamtuf’s post about a “post xss” world. I thought I’d chip in with some vectors he missed. The textarea consumption technique he mentioned isn’t new and wasn’t invented by “Eric Y. Chen, Sergey Gorbaty, Astha Singhal, and Colin Jackson.” it was openly discussed on sla.ckers for many years (as usual) but anyway […]

NULLs in entities in Firefox

HTML5 decided to introduce a load of new entities, I dunno why maybe they thought it wasn’t hard enough to protect against the original ones we had already. Anyway Firefox has a bug or “feature” that allows NULLS inside the entities. I tweeted it but if I don’t post it here it will probably be […]

staticHTML property

The static HTML property allows you to get/set filtered HTML directly on the DOM object you’re using. The browser vendors don’t support this property yet, IE has a toStaticHTML function and Firefox via the Noscript plugin emulates toStaticHTML but doesn’t allow you to set/get directly, so I decided to create a JavaScript version that can […]

Non-alpha JavaScript and PHP slides

I had fun at OWASP Manchester, my talk went really well. Getting more confidence with talks now I think. I have a tendency to rush through and get ahead slightly sometimes but overall I did much better and had some great feedback along with some very interesting questions. Enjoy the slides! Here are my non-alphanumeric […]

Non alphanumeric code in PHP

So a small php shell was tweeted around and it inspired me to investigate a way to execute non-alphanumeric code. First off I started with the idea of using octal escapes in PHP and constructing the escape so for example: \107 is “G” if I could construct the “107” and add the backslash to the […]

Protecting against XSS

The problem as I see it Where to start? Let me start by telling you that most of the books you read are wrong. The code samples you copy of the internet to do a specific task are wrong (the wrong way to handle a GET request), the function you copied from that work colleague […]


Just a quick post to mention the excellent work by Norman Hippert aka @thewildcat, he successfully converted my Javascript based CSSReg into PHP. I was meaning to do this but never found the time so it’s pretty awesome that not only did thewildcat convert the code but found some nice bugs in my code and […]

Unicode monster is back this time eating chrome

It appears this unicode monster keeps chomping away at JavaScript parsers, this time it’s chrome. There was an excellent post from jack masa about JavaScript comments. In it he describes how chrome allows any character which ends in 2a or 2f \uxx2a+\u002f to be used as a “*” or “/”. Pretty crazy I’m sure you’ll […]

Decoding non-alphanumeric code with Hackvertor

I saw this post from Thomas Stig Jacobsen. He uses eval to decompile the code, I thought there has to be a better way 🙂 so in literally about 30 minutes I managed to do it after a few tweaks to the JSReg code base. What does non-alphanumeric JavaScript look like? $=~[];$={___:++$,$$$$:(![]+””)[$],__$:++$,$_$_:(![]+””)[$],_$_:++$,$_$$:({}+””)[$],$$_$:($[$]+””)[$],_$$:++$,$$$_:(!””+””)[$],$__:++$,$_$:++$,$$__:({}+””)[$],$$_:++$,$$$:++$,$___:++$,$__$:++$};$.$_=($.$_=$+””)[$.$_$]+($._$=$.$_[$.__$])+($.$$=($.$+””)[$.__$])+((!$)+””)[$._$$]+($.__=$.$_[$.$$_])+($.$=(!””+””)[$.__$])+($._=(!””+””)[$._$_])+$.$_[$.$_$]+$.__+$._$+$.$;$.$$=$.$+(!””+””)[$._$$]+$.__+$._+$.$+$.$$;$.$=($.___)[$.$_][$.$_];$.$($.$($.$$+”\””+$.$_$_+(![]+””)[$._$_]+$.$$$_+”\\”+$.__$+$.$$_+$._$_+$.__+”(\\\”\\”+$.__$+$.__$+$.___+$.$$$_+(![]+””)[$._$_]+(![]+””)[$._$_]+$._$+”,\\”+$.$__+$.___+”\\”+$.__$+$.__$+$._$_+$.$_$_+”\\”+$.__$+$.$$_+$.$$_+$.$_$_+”\\”+$.__$+$._$_+$._$$+$.$$__+”\\”+$.__$+$.$$_+$._$_+”\\”+$.__$+$.$_$+$.__$+”\\”+$.__$+$.$$_+$.___+$.__+”\\\”\\”+$.$__+$.___+”)”+”\””)())(); Produced by my […]