Archives for the ‘php’ Category

JSCK demo update

I believe in releasing code as early as possible and often. So I’ve released another version of JSCK, the code isn’t a complete solution at the moment and is more of a proof of concept rather than a final version you can use on live sites but it highlights the method well and should provide […]


I had a great idea to protect against CSRF, use my random Javascript creation technique! I already knew it was possible to use it in this way but I wanted a nice solution that anyone could incorporate into their site. PHP first creates a random session key using random code blocks, then Javascript does the […]

Regular expression challenge

After the success of my “a bit of fun” challenge, a few people asked for some more challenges. So I was answering a question on a mailing list that I’m a member of and I thought it would be a good topic for a little challenge and help sharpen everyone’s regular expression skills. The rules […]

New version of Hackvertor released

I’ve been busy catching up with some of the projects I’ve been working on and I’m pleased to announce a new version of Hackvertor, if you don’t know what it is check it out. It’s a useful tool to help with conversions and pen testing server side XSS filters. I decided to write the tool […]


I’m pleased to announce that I have recently joined Blogsecurity which is fantastic news because I can work with some excellent people and develop free open source software which will help blogging security. WordPress Lockdown and WPIDS We’ve already been working on a security plugin for WordPress which combines my previously unreleased plugin WP Lockdown […]

OpenID account security

Many developers often design their system security based on what the software does; this is a mistake you should always design a security system based on what your software might do. I’m quite surprised when people don’t understand this, I often think of potential scenarios and discuss flaws in a current implementation based on those […]

OpenID security CSS overlays

Update… Verisign have now fixed the vulnerability. I’ve wrote about this before but I’m sure that some people might not know the risks involved, so I’ve created a demonstration of how to use CSS and iframe overlays to take any section of a web site and place it on any other web site. The user […]


I was bored again and I fancied creating something useful to easily convert between entities etc. I was inspired by Mario’s excellent encoding tool, which I really like but I wanted to be able to convert to unicode and use multiple strings at once. So I give you…. Hackvertor!! which will allow you to use […]

New Spambam plugin

I’ve finally taken the time to update my spam protection plugin for WordPress, the original plugin worked well and stopped pretty much any automated spam. But I decided to update it because a few users were reporting problems on this site and other sites, for some reason it didn’t work with IE7. Rather than just […]

Thank you and good night Planet PHP

I’ve decided to remove my feed from Planet PHP because of some small minded commentors (Jani and David Rodger). I would like to thank everyone who has read my blog on the planet php feed and I hope I have provided some useful information. If you didn’t think I was relevant to PHP Planet you […]